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Dinosaur Sightings: Computers from the 1970s
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Sunday, June 03, 2007
IBM Convertible PC
IBM‘s first laptop computer is a big improvement over their earlier portable computer, the giant IBM Portable PC from 2 years earlier in 1984.
Is the IBM 5140 "Convertible" really a convertible? Yes - even the top (display) comes off.
Why would you want to remove the LCD display? With the CRT Display Adapter attached, you can use an external monitor instead.
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Dinosaur Sightings: Computers from the 1970s
IBM 5100 Portable PC
Processor Technology Sol-20 Terminal Computer (1 o...
Processor Technology Sol-20 Terminal Computer (2 o...
Processor Technology Sol-20 Terminal Computer (3 o...
Rockwell AIM 65 (1 of 2)
Rockwell AIM 65 (2 of 2)
Apple II
Vector Graphic: Vector 1
Commodore PET
Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I
NorthStar Horizon (1 fo 2)
NorthStar Horizon (2 fo 2)
Heathkit H8 (1 of 2)
Heathkit H8 (2 of 2)
Exidy Sorcerer Dynasty smart-ALEC (1 of 2)
Exidy Sorcerer Dynasty smart-ALEC (2 of 2)
Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P
Synertek SYM Model 1
Interact Model One
Radio Shack TRS-80 Model II
Bell & Howell
SwTPC S/09
Heathkit H8 computer from 1977
Atari 400
Atari 800
Texas Instruments TI-99/4
Dinosaur Sightings: Computers from 1980-1983
Hewlett-Packard Model 85 - topless
IBM 5110 model 3
IBM 5110 model 3 - open
Radio Shack Color Computer
Radio Shack Pocket Computer
Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III
Apple III
Commodore VIC-20
Sinclair ZX81
Osborne 1
Epson HX-20
Rockwell AIM 65/40
Kaypro II
Franklin Ace 100
Franklin Ace 1000
Commodore 64
Apple Lisa
Kyotronic clones
Coleco Adam
Radio Shack TRS-80 MC-10
Dynalogic Hyperion
Dinosaur Sightings: Computers from 1984-1989
Commodore SX-64 "Executive"
Apple Macintosh
Sinclair QL (Quantum Leap)
Apple IIc
Atari 520ST
Franklin ACE 2100
Kaypro 2000 laptop
Kaypro 2000 laptop - open
Commodore Amiga 1000
Compaq Portable II
Apple IIGS
IBM Convertible PC
Commodore Amiga 2000
Commodore 128D (USA)
Compaq Portable III
Apple IIc Plus
Atari Portfolio
Apple Macintosh Portable
Atari Stacy
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